Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the UK. Both dry and wet types are very common over age 50 years. Symptoms include deterioration of central vision and distortion. These can occur gradually over months or years as in the dry type, or suddenly as in the wet type. Some of the telltale signs of AMD are:
- blurred vision
- distortion of straight lines
- a dark spot in your central vision
- objects appearing the wrong shape, size or colour
- objects moving or disappearing
- difficulty in bright sunlight and dim lighting.
The earliest sign of macular degeneration is often the appearance of small yellow deposits called drusen, which form under the retina.
The presence of drusen does not necessarily mean that a person will have visual problems. Drusen can be found in younger people who do not have macular degeneration. Over time, however, the drusen can become larger and increase in number. The pigmental layer of the eye can also be disturbed, leading to a ‘patchy’ appearance (atrophy). When drusen or atrophy are accompanied by a decrease in vision, the term macular degeneration is used.
Frequently asked questions
What can I expect after injections for Wet AMD?
The eye can feel dry and uncomfortable for the first few days, and may look red with a bleed on the surface. These symptoms are due to the anaesthetic eyedrops and antiseptic drops applied to your eye for the injection. The eye will start to feel better after a few days. You may be given artificial tear drops to use to help these symptoms of dryness. The surface bleed will look alarming but is harmless and usually resolves on its own without treatment after a few weeks.
What is the success rate of macular degeneration treatment?
The success of macular degeneration treatment at Sapphire Eye Care is measured by its ability to halt the progression of the disease and to preserve the patient’s current level of vision. Injections for Wet AMD are successful in the majority of patients in stabilising the vision and preventing further visual loss. In some patients the vision might improve.
Which antiVEGF injection is the right choice for me?
There are a number of antiVEGF injections available for the treatment of wet AMD- Eylea, Lucentis, Avastin, Vabysmo. Your surgeon will discuss with you which drug might be more suited to your condition.
What treatments for AMD are available at Sapphire Eye Care?
Sapphire Eye Care offers all the latest treatment options for your macular degeneration, including photobiomodulation or red light treatment for dry AMD, and antiVEGF injections for wet AMD. Your surgeon will guide you to the treatment pathway most suitable for your AMD.